4 days til we move.
The closing is on Thursday and we move on Saturday.
I still need to ~call the electric company to get the power turned on
~call the phone company and get the phones turned on
Already did this
~reserved a moving truck
~started to pack - need more boxes, ya don't realize how much you have until you put it in boxes.
I keep thinking we're going to have to get a really old used 4WD truck just for the winters. Lots and lots more snow falls in Neguanee. We'll see how many times we get stuck before we get one. lol
There's no cable at the new place, so we're not going to have any TV for a while. There is a directTV satellite dish in the yard, but just to save on money we're not getting it turned on. So, no cable also means no more Cable Internet... and we pretty much refuse to get AO-hell again, so no internet at home for awhile either. That's ok though! There's lots of work to get done on the house so that's a good thing.